Regular Expressions

Intro to Regular Expressions

  • Strings of text that are used in order to match characters in other bodies of text.
  • The ability to use Regular Expressions is built into many text editors and programming languages.

Here are Some Examples

Example Matches
[b-chm-pP]at|ot bat, cat, hat, mat, nat, oat, pat, Pat, ot
\d 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
\d{5}(-\d{4})? Matches a US zip code

Regular Expressions Syntax


Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
“any string” The string word word
\d Any digit from 0-9 number:\d number:5
\w Any word character \w\w _Q

Characters (continued)

Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
\s Any whitespace character \s " "
\t Tab T\t\w{2} T ab
\D, \W, \S Any character that is not a digit, word character or whitespace character. \D\W\S s=2


Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
+ One or more of the item stated before. w+ wwww
{X} Exactly X amount of times. w{3} www
{X,Y} Match X to Y amount of times. (greedy) w{2,4} wwww
* Zero or more times (greedy) A*B*C* AACCCCCC

Quantifiers (continued)

Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
+ One or more times (greedy) \d+ 1234555
? Once or none. / Makes quantifiers lazy words? words, word
? Once or none. / Makes quantifiers lazy \w{2,4}? ab in abcd

More Characters

Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
. Any character except new line. . w
.* Any character any amount of times except new line. .* This is an entire line of text.
\ Escapes special characters for the purpose of matching. \.{3}


Regular Expression Matches Example Sample
| Or/alternating 1{2}|2{2} 11221122 or 11 or 22
(…) Capturing groups. (\d{3})\s\d{3}-\d{4} 301 999-2222 (captures 301)
[…] One of the characters in the brackets. T[ao]p Tap or Top
[…-…] Indicates range. [a-z] One lowercase letter.
[^x] One character that is not x [^a-z]{3} A1!
^ Start of the string or line ^abc.* Abc (assuming that this is the beginning of the string
$ End of string or line .*? the end$ this is the end

Applications for Regular Expressions

  • Web Scraping
    • For finding specific data points that we are interested in within a website
      • Say for example addresses or complete first and last names within a webpage
  • Data Wrangling
    • For extracting data from large and complex data files (usually unstructured data)

Applications for Regular Expressions (continued)

Re Module

  • Module that provides regular expression matching operations

Re Module (continued)

  • There is a problem, in Python the character “\” (used to escape special character in Regular Expressions) will escape strings in Python
    • This causes issues when using the backslash for any reason
    • We would constantly need to use double backslashes such as “\”

Re Module (continued)

  • The solution is to use Python’s raw string notation for regular expression patterns
    • backslashes are not handled in any special way in a string literal prefixed with ‘r’.
      • r“\n” is a two-character string containing ‘\’ and ‘n’
      • “\n” is a one-character string containing a newline