"""This string
spans two lines."""
Strings contain text
Strings are a container data type
A given string may contain multiple characters (strings of length 1)
Strings are ordered sequences
The characters in a string have a fixed order
Python strings use Unicode
A literal is a fixed value in a program
Ways to create a string literal in Python:
Single quotes: 'this is a string literal'
Double quotes: "this is a string literal"
Triple single quotes: '''this is a string literal'''
Triple double quotes: """this is a string literal"""
Triple-quoted string literals can contain literal line breaks:
"""This string
spans two lines."""
The +
operator concatenates strings
>>> "Hello" + " " + "world!"
'Hello world!'
Each character in a string has an index
The index of the first character is 0
We can access individual characters using square brackets []
after the string
We call this the index operator
name = "Chelsea"
initial = name[0]
An index can be negative
means the last character
means the next-to-last character, etc.
name = "Chelsea"
last_letter = name[-1]
We can also use the index operator to "slice" strings
Two flavors of slice:
start is the index of the first character in the slice
stop is the index of the character after the last character in the slice
(in other words, the slice includes start but excludes stop)
step indicates how to get from the start to the stop (default value is 1)
course = "INST 326"
dept = course[0:4] # evaluates to "INST"
# equivalent:
dept = course[:4]
num = course[5:8] # evaluates to "326"
# equivalent:
num = course[5:]
# equivalent:
num = course[-3:]
nt3 = course[1:6:2] # evaluates to "NT3"
backwards = course[::-1] # evaluates to "632 TSNI"
copy = course[:] # evaluates to "INST 326"
# equivalent:
copy = course[::]
A way to plug values into string literals
>>> name = "Angela"
>>> job = "pilot"
>>> f"{name} is a {job}"
'Angela is a pilot'
F-strings always start with f
Expressions in curly braces {}
are evaluated and converted to strings
>>> x = 5
>>> y = 4
>>> print(f'{x} + {y} = {x + y}')
5 + 4 = 9
string string |
string string |
string |
string |
string |
string |
string string |
string |
Strings are ordered sequences of Unicode characters
String literals are made with quotation marks (single, double, triple)
The +
operator concatenates strings
We can access parts of strings by index or slice
F-strings let us plug values into string literals
Strings have a lot of useful methods
Lists are a container data type
Lists contain objects
Lists are ordered sequences
The items in a list have a fixed order
Items in lists can be accessed by index
Slice notation also works for lists
Unlike strings, lists are mutable
Empty list:
or []
List with items in it:
Convert another container into a list:
Concatenate two lists:
list1 +
Add an item to the end:
Add several items to the end:
l1 = list()
l1.extend(["chalk", "marker"])
l2 = ["crayon", "pen"]
l3 = l1 + l2
list |
list |
list |
list |
list |
list |
Mutable objects can change
This isn’t mutability:
x = 5
x += 1
But this is:
l = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]
Mutability is useful but dangerous
Aliasing occurs when there are multiple references to a single object
>>> people = ["Linda", "Daryl", "Stacey"]
>>> persons = people
>>> persons.append("Amanda")
>>> print(persons)
['Linda', 'Daryl', 'Stacey', 'Amanda']
>>> print(people)
['Linda', 'Daryl', 'Stacey', 'Amanda']
Be careful when passing mutable objects to functions
If you need two different lists, copy your data:
l2 = l1.copy()
l2 = l1[:]
Lists are ordered sequences of objects
List literals are surrounded by square brackets []
Parts of lists can be accessed by index or slice
There are several ways to add and remove elements
Lists are mutable
Watch out for aliasing; avoid it by making a copy of your list
loopsUseful when you need to perform the same operation on a sequence of values
varname in
>>> polygon_sides = [5, 3, 4, 6, 2]
>>> perimeter = 0
>>> for side in polygon_sides:
... perimeter += side
>>> print(f"The perimeter of a polygon with sides {polygon_sides} is {perimeter}")
The perimeter of a polygon with sides [5, 3, 4, 6, 2] is 20
Files allow us to write data to persistent storage and read that data back in at a later time
All files can be put into one of two categories: binary or text
We mostly only care about text files
Computers don’t understand text, only numbers
Today, the standard used to represent text in a computer is called Unicode
There are multiple ways to encode Unicode to disk
The de facto standard is called UTF-8
Files exist in a file system structured like a tree
The root of the tree is "/" on Mac/Unix and a drive name (e.g., "C:/") on Windows
Non-terminal nodes are called directories; terminal nodes are called files
All files have a path; two kinds of paths
Absolute: /home/aric/INST326/myscript.py
Relative: myscript.py
, INST326/myscript.py
Relative paths are relative to the current working directory
Python expects forward slashes (/
) in paths, even on Windows
All interactions with files in Python are mediated through file objects
File objects are created by the open()
File objects follow the principle of least privilege
File objects have to be closed when you are done with them
f = open("myfile.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
# do things with the file here...
Option 1: print()
f = open("myfile.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
print("Hello, world!", file=f)
print("Created by Python", file=f)
Very similar to how print()
works with the console; adds newlines to the end of each line
(The console is a special file-like object called sys.stdout
Specify file object as a keyword argument to print()
Option 2: write()
f = open("myfile.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
f.write("Hello, world!\n")
f.write("Created by Python\n")
is a method of the file object whereas print()
is a function
Doesn’t add newlines to the end of lines; you have to do that yourself
Option 1: Read the whole file into a single string
f = open("myfile.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")
contents = f.read()
Option 2: Read one line
f = open("myfile.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")
line = f.readline()
Option 3: Read all lines, one at a time
Uses file object as an iterator
Very Pythonic
f = open("myfile.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")
for line in f:
# do something with line here...
Lines read from a text file usually end in newline characters ("\n"
You can remove these with the strip()
or rstrip()
methods of strings
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
Data in text files is often delimited (e.g., value1,value2,value3
You can break up delimited strings with the split()
method of strings
line = "name,age,profession"
values = line.split(",")
statements and context managerswith
statements let you use context managers
File objects can be used as context managers
File objects used as context managers will close themselves
context_expr as
with open("myfile.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
# do something with line here...
# file closes itself at the
# end of the with statement
Use with
statements whenever you open files
statementwith open("myfile.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f_in, \
open("myfile2.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_out:
for line in f_in:
if " " in line:
word1 = line.split(" ")[0]
Two kinds of file: text and binary
Two kinds of path: absolute and relative
Reading from/writing to a file requires a file object
creates file objects
There are several ways to write to and read from a file object
When reading text files, strip()
and split()
come in handy
When used with file objects, with
statements close files for us
You run a store called Sprocket Emporium
Customer orders are stored in files where each line contains
part name
unit price
Example data:
medium widget,1,5.25 bevel gear,3,10.90 titanium axle,4,43.08 #3 oblong cog,2,0.76
Goal: write a function to calculate the total cost of the order
""" Read orders from a file and calculate the total cost of an order.
Each line in an order file will consist of a product name, a quantity, and a
unit price, separated by commas. """
def process_line(line):
""" Parse a line from an order file; print information about the line;
return the cost of this line of the order.
line (str): one line from the order file; contains product name,
quantity ordered, and unit price, separated by commas.
float: the cost of this line (quantity * unit price).
Side effects:
Writes information about this line to stdout.
values = line.strip().split(",")
product = values[0]
quantity = int(values[1])
unit_price = float(values[2])
ending = "" if quantity == 1 else "s"
line_cost = quantity * unit_price
print(f"{quantity} {product}{ending} @ ${unit_price}: {line_cost}")
return line_cost
def total_cost(filepath):
""" Read an order and calculate the total cost.
filepath (str): order file containing one item ordered per line
(product name, quantity, unit cost).
Side effects:
Writes the total cost to stdout.
total = 0
with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
total += process_line(line)
print(f"Total cost: ${total}")