Data Analysis

Jupyter/IPython Notebooks

What are Jupyter Notebooks?

Advantages of Notebooks

  • Built to integrate well with markdown, latex, pandas, matplotlib, etc

  • Non-linear nature means that we can run any cell at any time

  • Displays the result of the last expression

Disadvantages of Notebooks

  • Built to integrate well with markdown, latex, pandas, matplotlib, etc…​Which means that it is not meant for long form code-style correction

    • Not meant for instances where modules or libraries need to be created

  • Non-linear nature means that we can run any cell at any time…​Which can be confusing and difficult to debug

  • Displays the result of the last expression…​Which means that sometimes the output what we want to see and may be difficult to debug.

Important Points

  • Kernel - "Computational engine" that runs the code in a notebook

    • Due to the nature of IPython notebooks, the kernel may begin to consume more resources than we intend it to.

  • Some helpful shortcuts:

    • Shift - Enter = Runs Cell and creates new one if there is no cell beneath it.

    • Ctr - Enter = Runs Cell.


What is Pandas?

  • Open source library meant for data analysis and data manipulation.

  • Lets you create DataFrames from different data types that you may already be working with (csv, text, Excel, etc).

  • Lends itself to data manipulation (data wrangling) and data analysis purposes.


  • 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types.

  • You can think of them like a spreadsheet containing data

  • They have indexes (row labels) and headers (column labels)

DataFrame Example


Getting Basic Information from a DataFrame

The functions you need to know are:

  • .head()

    • Will print the first 5 rows of the dataframe by default

    • Takes an optional argument for number of rows to print

  • .tail()

    • Will print the last 5 rows of the dataframe by default

    • Takes an optional argument for number of rows to print

Getting Basic Information from a DataFrame (contd)

The functions you need to know are:

  • .info()

    • Returns information on the columns present in the dataframe, the amount of rows in the dataframe, and the datatypes.

  • .describe()

    • Will return basic descriptive statistics such as counts, mean, standard deviation, min, max and quartiles.

Pandas GroupBy

  • It is important to understand how to navigate documentation.

  • There are way too many methods with way too many arguments to memorize.

  • GroupBy Method

Subsetting and Other Methods

Potential Scenario

  • Let’s say that someone comes up to us and asks:

    • “Is there any way that I can get a dataset where I can see the mean budget, profit, and popularities for action movies for each production company that played a secondary role in production?”

  • Dataset:

    • Movies Dataset

    • Contains data on production company, budgets, and genres for 5000 movies.

Data Visualizations

Using Pandas

  • Pandas conveniently has methods that we can use in order to plot data that we might be interested in seeing.

  • Under the hood, Pandas is using a library called Matplotlib

    • Matplotlib is a library specifically made for data visualizations.

    • Can be difficult to use.

The Important DataFrame Methods

  • Scatter

  • Bar Graph

  • Histograms

Alternatives: Seaborn

  • We have been using methods built into pandas in order to create data visualizations.

  • These methods are dependent on matplotlib

  • Matplotlib can get complicated to use for more complex visualizations.

  • Seaborn tries to fix that issue by simplifying the process for making complex visualizations that look good.

Statistics and DataScience


  • Package used for scientific computing

  • Part of the code packages that make up the "SciPy" ecosystem.

  • Exosystem of packages that are particularly useful in science applications

  • These packages include matplotlib, pandas, and numpy

Some Important Statistical Tests

  • Correlation Testing

  • Z-Score

  • T-Test


Correlation Testing

Z Score

  • Z Score

  • Z tests are used to determine if two sample means are different

  • Z scores is a number representing how many standard deviations a datapoint is from the sample mean.

    • We can use [Z Score Tables]( to manually convert Z-Scores to find the percentage of observations that we expect to see to the left of the curve.

    • We can also use scipy to do this for us.

T Test

  • T Test

  • Used to determine if the means of two sample groups are different.



  • Tests if two or more groups have the same population mean.


  • Statsmodels is a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.

Linear Regression

  • Modeling of the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

  • We are interested in using statsmodels to create linear regression models.