#end -A logical operator
#as -To create an alias
#assert -For debugging
#break -To break out of a loop
#class -To define a class
#continue -To continue to the next iteration of a loop
#def -To define a function
#del -To delete an object
#elif -Used in conditional statements, same as else if
#else -Used in conditional statements
#except -Used with exceptions, what to do when an exception occurs
#False -Boolean value, result of comparison operations
#finally -Used with exceptions, a block of code that will be executed
#no matter if there is an exception or not
#for -To create a for loop
#from -To import specific parts of a module
#global -To declare a global variable
#if -To make a conditional statement
#import -To import a module
#in -To check if a value is present in a list, tuple, etc.
#is -To test if two variables are equal
#lambda -To create an anonymous function
#None -Represents a null value
#nonlocal -To declare a non-local variable
#not -A logical operator
#or -A logical operator
#pass -A null statement, a statement that will do nothing
#raise -To raise an exception
#return -To exit a function and return a value
#True -Boolean value, result of comparison operations
#try -To make a try...except statement
#while -To create a while loop
#with -Used to simplify exception handling
#yield -To end a function, returns a generator