Data Structures


Tuples Structure

  • What we know

    • Collection of objects that are ordered and immutable

    • Tuples are sequences

    • Tuples use parentheses to enclose sequences

What we know:

my_tuple = tuple([1,2,3])
my_tuple = (1, “string”, 5.8)

What is (probably) New

The commas are what allows python to recognize the tuple.

my_tuple =  1, “string”, 5.8
my_tuple = “string”,
my_tuple = ()

Accessing Values in a Tuple

We can use square brackets to slice at the indices just like other sequence datatypes.

my_tuple = (1, “string”, 5.8)

my_tuple[1]    # "string"
my_tuple[:1]   # (1,)
my_tuple[:3]   # (1, “string”, 5.8)

Important Tuple Operations

Python Expression




length of x


(1,2,3) + (4,5,6)



("Hi!",) * 4



3 in (1,2,3)



for x in (1,2,3): print x

1 2 3



  • Tuples are sequences, ordered and immutable collections of objects.

  • Tuples are enclosed with parentheses, items are separated with commas.

  • Items in tuples can be accessed using square bracket notation.

  • We can perform a variety of operations on tuples.

Returning Tuples

  • Sometimes it might be a good idea to return multiple items using a function.

  • Typically, if these items are different data types its good practice to return a tuple.

  • For example, a function that returns a list of unique words, and a dictionary of an index of those words to files.


class book:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.f = open(path).read()

    def meta_data(self):
        """ Method that will return two variables
            unique_words (list): list of unique words in the file
            word_counts (dict): a dictionary where the keys are
            the words and the values are the number of times that
            the word appears in the file

        return unique_words, word_counts

my_path = "my_file.txt"
results = book(my_path).meta_data()

Tuples are Sequence Datatypes

This means that we can…​

Find Min and Max Values


Perform Sequence Unpacking

class book:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.f = open(path).read()

    def meta_data(self):
        return unique_words, word_counts

my_path = "my_file.txt"
words, counts = book(my_path).meta_data()

Iterate over the Tuple

class book:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.f = open(path).read()

    def meta_data(self):
        return unique_words, word_counts

my_path = "my_file.txt"
results = book(my_path).meta_data()

for item in results:


  • Collection of objects that are un-ordered and mutable

  • Contain no duplicate elements

  • Sets use curly braces to enclose sequences

Frozen Sets

  • Collection of objects that are un-ordered and immutable

  • Contain no duplicate elements

  • Frozensets use curly braces to enclose sequences


  • Sets are collections of unique items that are mutable and unordered.

  • Frozen sets are collections of unique items that are immutable and unordered.

Creating Sets

myset = {"a", "b", "c"}
myset = set(["a", "b", "c"])
myset = set([ "a", "a" , "b" , "c" , "c" ])
myset = frozenset({"a", "b", "c"})
myset = frozenset(["a", "b", "c"])
myset = frozenset([ "a", "a" , "b" , "c" , "c" ])

Removing Elements from Sets


Adding Elements from Sets


A Note About Sets

  • Items in sets must be “hashable” (think immutable) otherwise you will raise an error.

    • Frozen sets are immutable and therefor hashable, so frozensets can be items in a set without a problem.

Hash Tables

  • In Python, sets and dictionaries are implemented using hash tables

    • Hash tables: Data structures where items are passed through a “hash function” to compute a “hash code”.

      • Optimized for data retrieval where we might not care about member order.

Why do Hash Tables matter?

  • Implimentation helps guide decision making:

    • If we care about member order in relation to other members:

      • strings, lists, tuples

    • If we prioritize membership or value pairing over "order":

      • sets, dictionaries

Consider the following

  • Is "morse" in "the morse code"?

    • Yes

  • Are the letters m,o,r,s, and e in "here come the dots"?

    • Yes

  • Is "morse" in "here come the dots"?

    • No


  • We can create sets using set literals ({}) or by using the set() function.

  • We can remove or add items from sets using the add() and remove() methods of set objects.

  • Items in sets must be hashable (immutable).

Working with sets

Set operations

  • We can use sets to solve unique challenges

  • In order to do this we need to perform operations using sets.

  • The ones you need to be aware of are…

    • in (membership) & not in (membership)

    • is subset & is superset

    • union, intersection, difference

In & Not In

  • Testing for membership

  • Example:

    • x in f (where “x” is an item that may or may not be in set “f”)

    • x not in f (where “x” is an item that may or may not be in set “f”)

Is Subset & Is Superset

  • Testing whether all elements in one set are in another set

  • Example:

    • x.issubset(f) (where “x” is a set that may or may not contain the same elements that are in set “f”)

      • Alternative syntax: x ⇐ f

    • x.issuperset(f) (where “f” is a set that may or may not contain the same elements that are in set “x”)

      • Alternative syntax: x >= f


Union, Intersection and Difference all evaluate to new sets. * Union New set with elements of two sets Example Syntax: * x.union(f)


Union, Intersection and Difference all evaluate to new sets.

  • Intersection

    • New set with elements that are common to both sets

    • Example Syntax:

      • x.intersection(f)


Union, Intersection and Difference all evaluate to new sets.

  • Difference

    • New set with elements in the first set but not the second set

    • Example Syntax:

      • x.difference(f)

Example Using Sets

list1 = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5]
list2 = [3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9]

set1, set2 = set(list1), set(list2)
set3 = set1.intersection(set2)

print(len(set3)) #Result = 3

Compared to No Sets

list1 = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5]
list2 = [3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,9]

resulting_list = []
for num in list1:
    if num in resulting_list:
        if num in list2:

print(len(resulting_list)) #Result = 3


Stacks and Queues

  • By this point you should feel comfortable using lists in your code.

  • You should also be comfortable in understanding how the way that we think about lists guides the manner in which we utilize those lists in our code.


  • Lists that contain objects that are added and removed using the LIFO principle (Last in, first out).

    • Theoretically speaking we “push” things to the end/top of a list and then “pop” the items off the end/top of the list.

    • Ex. A stack of plates

Stacks Continued

  • We can simulate stacks by using the append and pop methods of list objects

  • Uses:

    • Holding and using most recent data elements for use in algorithms where that may be important.


  • Lists that contain objects that are added and removed using the FIFO principle (First in, first out).

    • Theoretically speaking we “enqueue” things to the top/end of a list and then “dequeue” the items off the beginning of the list.

    • Ex. A line of people waiting at the DMV.

Queues Continued

  • We can simulate stacks by using the append and pop(0) methods of list objects

  • Uses:

    • Using collections where the order of the item has something to do with the FIFO principle such as algorithms for determining wait times.

List Comprehensions

  • List comprehensions are expressions that evaluate to lists

  • Often are faster than iterating over one list to build another list

numbers = [1,2,3,4]
squares = [n**2 for n in numbers]

print(squares) # Output: [1,4,9,16]


  • A list comprehension consists of

    • brackets containing an expression

    • followed by a for clause (iterating over some iterable)

    • then zero or more for or if clauses.

list_a = [1,2,3]
cube_list = [ [a**2, a**3] for a in list_a]

print(cube_list) # Output: [[1,1], [4,8], [9,27]]

List Comprehensions - Concise Lists

  • List comprehensions can help make code shorter and more concise

  • Consider the following example:

[(x,y) for x in [1,2,3] for y in [3,1,4] if x != y]

combs = []
for x in [1,2,3]:
    for y in [3,1,4]:
        if x != y:


  • Dictionaries are unordered collections of key/value pairs

  • We can create dictionaries with:

    • dict()

    • curly braces

We can access data in dictionaries:

  • By referencing the a key

    • dictionary[key]

  • Using built in methods

    • keys() - returns list of all keys in dictionary

    • values() - returns a list of all values in dictionary

    • items() - returns a list of tuples containing key value pairs

We can remove data from the dictionary using:

  • pop() - method

    • returns dictionary

  • del() - built in function

Dictionary Items

  • Similar to sets, dictionaries in Python are implemented using hash tables.

    • In this case the keys are hashed and those corresponding hash codes then point to an unhashed object (the value)

  • Only hashable (immutable) objects can be keys.

  • Values can be either mutable or immutable.

Important Things to Know

  • Dictionaries Can Be Values in Other Dictionaries

    • Remember that when you use bracket notation to access the value of a key in a dictionary, the expression evaluates to the value itself.

  • One common use for dictionaries is to use them to count unique values in a sequence data type.

  • One common use for dictionaries is to use them to index data.

Here is an Example

Dict = { 'Dict1': {"1": 'G', "2": 'F', "3": 'G'},
         'Dict2': {'Name': 'INST326', "1": ["1", "2"]} }

Dict[“Dict1”] #{1: 'G', 2: 'F', 3: 'G'}
Dict[“Dict1”]["2"] #“F”