
Warm Ups

These are sample exercises intended to test your command of Python fundamentals.

Warm Up 1

What error message do you get when you run this program (hint: there are at least two problems)

def get_energy(mass):
    speed_of_light = 300000000
    return mass * speed_of_light ** 2

weights = [1, 100, .5, .75]

while weights:
    joules = get_energy(kg)
    print(kg, "kg is equal to ", joules, "joules")

What output do you see when you fix it?

Warm Up 2

Write a program that will let you enter a word or phrase and then tell you many characters long it is. The program should allow the user to keep entering words and phrases until they enter "quit".

Here’s what a sample run might look like:

Enter a word/phrase: python
That is 6 characters long

Enter a word/phrase: holy coding, batman!
That is 20 characters long

Enter a word/phrase: quit

Warm Up 3

Write a program that will let you enter in a word or sentence in lower case and will print it out with the first letter capitalized. Hint, all strings have a method capitalize, see if you can use it.

Warm Up 4

Write a program that will let you enter a sentence and will print each word out separately with the first letter capitalized. Hint: use the string’s split function together with what you know about for loops and lists.