This repository has been deprecated, but is being kept online to preserve course links.

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This website is an Open Educational Resource (OER) for a course on Python Programming offered through the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland College Park.

The course is divided into 14 modules covering various topics in programming with Python, designed for undergraduate students majoring in Information Science. The modules are organized into three main units:

  1. Fundamentals

  2. Object-Oriented Programming

  3. Working with Data


This site was developed by Aric Bills, Gabriel Cruz, Jen Golbeck and Joshua Westgard in Summer 2020 with the support of a Teaching Innovation Grant from the Provost’s Office at the University of Maryland College Park. The site’s content is maintained in markdown and asciidoc files stored in a Github repository. It is built and published using GNU Make, pandoc, asciidoctor, and reveal.js, and is served to the public web via Github pages. Ed Summers and Joshua Westgard developed the site’s build framework for an earlier version of a shared INST326 website in 2019.